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French Retail Sales Rebound, Spanish Inflation Flat
Arthi Gupta
13 Jul, 2012
New York City
French retail sales rebounded, Spanish consumer price inflation remained unchanged but Swiss producer and import price index fell in June. Hungarian output declined and Czech current account slipped to deficit in May.
[R]1:00 PM Frankfurt – French retail sales rebounded, Spanish consumer price inflation remained unchanged but Swiss producer and import price index fell in June. Hungarian output declined and Czech current account slipped to deficit in May.[/R]
French Retail Sales Rebound
French retail sales rebounded in June as sales of food products improved, a survey by Bank of France showed.
Retail activity grew 4.3% on a monthly basis in June on a seasonally and working-day adjusted basis.
Turnover of food products rose 4.5% and sales of industrial goods increased 4.7% from a month ago in June.
Spanish Inflation Flat
Spain''s consumer price inflation remained unchanged at 1.9% in June as estimated, final data from the statistics office INE said.
On a monthly basis, consumer prices fell 0.2% in June compared to the 0.1% fall in May.
Italian Inflation Climbs
Italy''s inflation, as measured by the harmonized index of consumer prices, rose to 3.6% in June from 3.5% in May, final report from the statistics office Istat confirmed today.
From a month ago, the index rose 0.2% in June after a flat reading in May.
Swiss Producer & Import Price Index Falls
Switzerland’s producer and import price index fell 2.2% from a year ago in June, the Federal Statistics Office said.
On a monthly basis, the index fell 0.3% in June.
Hungarian Output Drops
Hungary''s gross industrial output fell 0.4% annually in May following the 3.1% drop in April, final data released by the Central Statistics Office showed today.
From a month ago, industrial output grew a seasonal-and-working day adjusted 3.2% in May compared to the 2.3% decline in April.
Czech Slips to Deficit
Czech current account slipped to deficit in May from a surplus in April, data released by the Czech National Bank showed today.
The balance in the current account was a deficit of CZK8.155 billion in May compared to a CZK5.275 billion surplus in April.
The surplus in the goods trade account decreased to CZK10.497 billion in May from CZK13.370 billion in April.
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