Davis Funds(3)

A Broader View in Real Estate

Davis Real Estate Fund

US> Multi-Cap > Core

Apr 04, 2013

Commercial real estate has evolved as an investment class in the last three decades and especially in the last two decades with low interest rates, strong industry fundamentals and sustained fund flows seeking higher yields. Andrew Davis and Chandler Spears look for opportunities to invest in real estate companies that can manage through the ups and downs of the business cycles.

The Power of Price and Value

Davis Appreciation & Income Fund

> NA > NA

Oct 22, 2010

In the world of investing, the price one pays is as important as the company one invests in. Andrew Davis and Keith Sabol, portfolio managers of the Davis Appreciation & Income Fund, pay close attention to company valuation and adhere to a strict buy and sell discipline.

Capture Upside, Protect Downside

Davis Appreciation & Income Fund

> NA > NA

May 07, 2008

The investment philosophy of Davis Appreciation & Income Fund is premised on the belief that equities are a relevant part of an investment portfolio over the long term. The Fund combines the growth potential of stocks with the income of bonds. Portfolio Managers Andrew Davis and Keith Sabol seek durable businesses at value prices to structure a portfolio with which to participate in the stocks' upside potential while providing a degree of protection against downside risk.